House on the Cove

The waterfront property nestled in a cove overlooking Long Island Sound was ideal, but the proximity of neighboring houses might well have obstructed views afforded by conventional architectural plans. Our solution was a semi-circular house that takes its design cues from early 20th century British architect Edwin Lutyens. All public rooms and bedrooms in this 7,300 square-foot house face the water, and views that would otherwise have been obstructed by nearby homes look out to sea. The formal pilasters, columned porch and overhanging eves of the front approach are balanced by the latticework at the side wing — a nod to Lutyens that balances formality with informality. Two identical octagonal light-filled rooms flank either side of the curved waterside porch, and a simple, elegant trim system brings this traditional design fully into the 21st century.



Beyond the Gate
American Classic
House on the Pond
House in the Historic Village
Dune Cottage
Hamptons Summer House
Shingle Style Overlooking Beach
Lakeside Country House
A Nod to 1880’s Shingle
House Overlooking the Meadow
Small Gem in the Fields
North Shore Carriage House
Stone Splendor on the Sound
Contemporary Shingle on the Sound
Tidal River View
Above the Dunes
Sea Grass on the Bay
Shingle Style on the Point
European Splendor on Connecticut Shore
Island Haven
Scott’s Cove Waterfront